We are proud to announce that we are now a member of the Alliance of Literary Societies
The PRS Team
The PRS team are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who give their time for the benefit of the Society and its members. We are always looking for new volunteers to join our team!
If you would like to get involved, please contact us for more information.​
Chair: Dr Serena Trowbridge serena.trowbridge@bcu.ac.uk
Vice-Chair: Katja Robinson vicechairprsoc@gmail.com
Review Editor: Dr Zaynub Zaman preraphreview@gmail.com
Treasurer: Geoff Greenwood treasurerprsoc@gmail.com
Secretary: Elise Ross secretaryprsoc@gmail.com
Membership Secretary / Mailings Co-ordinator: Margaret English membershipprsoc@gmail.com
PRSUS Editor: Tim McGee timcgee@gmail.com​
Events Co-ordinator: Chimaine Ross eventsprsoc@gmail.com
Podcast Lead: Karl Merrick karlmerrick1987@gmail.com
e-Newsletter Co-ordinator: Melodie Robson boemo@hotmail.co.uk
Digital Distribution: Rod McGregor prsrmcg@gmail.com
Book Reviews Co-ordinator: Ester Díaz Morillo bookreviewprsoc@gmail.com
Social Media Lead: Sheri Schrader socialmediaprsoc@gmail.com
Social Media Content Creator: Hannah Squire
Social Media Co-ordinator: Dr Nic Peeters
Post-Graduate Network Co-ordinator: Emily Learmont
Podcast Co-ordinator: Alex Round
Professionals Network Lead: Sarah Hardy
For information about the Pre-Raphaelite Society Graduate Network: PRSGraduateNetwork@gmail.com
Life President: Patricia O'Connor
Life Vice-President: Michael Adams